Sport | Packaging

Adidas x Find Focus

To announce the arrival of Adidas Athletics, we were asked to create packaging solutions for one of the largest cross category activations the brand had ever seen. The results would involve individuals, teams and colleges from around the world with over 18,000 athletes and influencers helping to generate a buzz for the new collection. The Z.N.E hoodie would lead the launch, together with the platform #findfocus. Our packaging enhances the established themes, creating a 'zone' around the contents. By using pyramid foam panels more commonly associated with sound-proofing as an external element, we were able to create a unique solution previously unseen in the market. A laser etched acrylic slipcase formed the packaging for the U.S markets, which housed a hinged box enclosed in additional foam.


To find out more about this project or to discuss one of your own, drop us a line today.


Heyday | Education | Branding


100 Wardour Street | Restaurant, Bar & Club | Branding